1Before starting2Section 1 - Identification3Section 2 - Showcasing the Nomination4Section 3 - Attachments and DeclarationBefore startingYou are about to fill out the nomination form for the Organization of the Year category. Please review the form preview below to make sure you have all the necessary information at hand before starting. The estimated time required to complete the form is approximately thirty minutes.NextOrganization IdentificationOrganization NameAddressPostal CodeCity or MunicipalityAlleyn-et-CawoodBlue SeaBoileauBois-FrancBouchetteBowmanBristolBrysonCampbell's BayCantleyCayamantChelseaChénévilleClarendonDéléageDenholmDuhamelEgan-SudFassettGatineauGracefieldGrand-RemousKazabazuaLa PêcheLac-des-PlagesLac-Sainte-MarieLac-SimonL'Ange-GardienL'Île-du-Grand-CalumetL'Isle-aux-AllumettesLitchfieldManiwakiMansfield-et-PontefractMayoMessinesMontcerf-LyttonMontebelloMontpellierMulgrave-et-DerryNamurNotre-Dame-de-BonsecoursNotre-Dame-de-la-PaixNotre-Dame-de-la-SaletteOtter LakePapineauvillePlaisancePontiacRapides-des-JoachimsRiponSaint-André-AvellinSaint-Émile-de-SuffolkSainte-Thérèse-de-la-GatineauSaint-SixteShawvilleSheenboroThorneThursoVal-des-BoisVal-des-MontsWalthamEmail AddressPhone NumberAnnual Budget of the OrganizationNumber of Paid EmployeesOrganization's MissionNominator's IdentificationLast NameFirst NameEmail AddressPhone NumberRelationship with the OrganizationPreviousNextShowcasing the NominationPlease indicate how the organization has stood out through its commitment to the sports community by providing information about one (1) to three (3) projects or achievements that have taken place between September 1, 2023, and August 31, 2024. Please fill in order of importance, if applicable.Project 1Project or Achievement DescriptionExplanation of the reasons behind initiating the projectResponse to a challenge, developmental intention, etc.Impact of the projects and achievements for the organization, the sport, the members, or the communityInvolved Partner(s), if applicableProject 2Project or Achievement DescriptionExplanation of the reasons behind initiating the projectResponse to a challenge, developmental intention, etc.Impact of the projects and achievements for the organization, the sport, the members, or the communityInvolved Partner(s), if applicableProject 3Project or Achievement DescriptionExplanation of the reasons behind initiating the projectResponse to a challenge, developmental intention, etc.Impact of the projects and achievements for the organization, the sport, the members, or the communityInvolved Partner(s), if applicableAdditional InformationList any honors, recognitions, mentions, or awards the organization may have receivedIn a few sentences, please describe why you believe the organization should be considered for the Organization of the Year distinction.PreviousNextAttachmentsUse the space below to provide us with supporting documents for this nomination (letter of support, press article, etc.).Document #1Document #2Logo de l'organismeDeclarationI affirm that the information entered in this form is truthful, and I consent to it being shared with the relevant parties for the purpose of analyzing the nomination dossier. I will notify the organization of its nomination and the date of the Gala Excellence sportive Outaouais.Declaration *I acceptPreviousCommentSubmit form