1Before Starting2Section 1 - Identification3Section 2 - Showcasing the Nomination4Section 3 - Attachments and DeclarationBefore StartingYou are about to complete the nomination form for the Referee of the Year category. Please review the form preview below to ensure you have all the necessary information on hand before starting. The estimated time required to complete the form is approximately thirty minutes.Form PreviewNextReferee IdentificationLast NameFirst NameAddressPostal CodeCity or MunicipalityAlleyn-et-CawoodBlue SeaBoileauBois-FrancBouchetteBowmanBristolBrysonCampbell's BayCantleyCayamantChelseaChénévilleClarendonDéléageDenholmDuhamelEgan-SudFassettGatineauGracefieldGrand-RemousKazabazuaLa PêcheLac-des-PlagesLac-Sainte-MarieLac-SimonL'Ange-GardienL'Île-du-Grand-CalumetL'Isle-aux-AllumettesLitchfieldManiwakiMansfield-et-PontefractMayoMessinesMontcerf-LyttonMontebelloMontpellierMulgrave-et-DerryNamurNotre-Dame-de-BonsecoursNotre-Dame-de-la-PaixNotre-Dame-de-la-SaletteOtter LakePapineauvillePlaisancePontiacRapides-des-JoachimsRiponSaint-André-AvellinSaint-Émile-de-SuffolkSainte-Thérèse-de-la-GatineauSaint-SixteShawvilleSheenboroThorneThursoVal-des-BoisVal-des-MontsWalthamEmail AddressPhone NumberIs the official accredited by their sports federation? If yes, please indicate their certification level.Nominator IdentificationLast NameFirst NameEmail AddressPhone NumberRelationship with the nomineePreviousNextShowcasing the NominationPlease indicate how the official has distinguished themselves through their application of the values of Excellence sportive Outaouais.RespectDescribe how the official has promoted a respectful sports environment (colleagues, athletes, and coaches).CommitmentHow many years has the candidate been serving as an official in their discipline?How many hours did the candidate officiate in the last year?How many competitions did the candidate officiate?Describe the training activities that the candidate has undertaken to enhance their development as an official (workshops, clinics, training).Is the official involved at the regional or provincial level of their sport's structure? Specify.CollaborationDescribe the efforts made by the candidate to contribute to the development of their fellow officials (mentoring, clinics, knowledge sharing).ExcellencePlease provide information about the most significant event officiated by the candidate that took place between September 1, 2023, and August 31, 2024.Event NameEvent LocationSpecify the level of this experienceInternationalNationalProvincialRegionalEvent DateWhy was this event the most remarkable of the year?Additional InformationIn a few sentences, please describe why, in your opinion, the candidate should be considered for the Referee of the Year distinction.PreviousNextAttachmentsDocument #1Document #2Representative Photo of the NomineeDeclarationI affirm that the information provided in this form is true and I consent to its transmission to the appropriate parties for the purpose of analyzing the nomination dossier. I will inform the nominated official of their nomination and the date of the Excellence Outaouais Gala evening.Declaration *I acceptPreviousCommentSubmit form